
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Garden work begins at St. Mark's Lutheran in San Francisco!

Today we had our first garden work day at St. Mark's Lutheran (just a few blocks up from the Free Farm. Our work today was mostly weeding to clear the space so that we would be able to begin our gardening next week.

One stubborn thing we needed to take care of was the removal of a Juniper tree. We removed it by first cutting the limbs off.
Then we dug down to the roots and used a pick to try to cut the roots that we couldn't dig around. Normally we would try to pull the roots out, but the closeness to the fence made it hard to pull them out completely.
Here is what the space looked like after we cleared out the weeds.
This garden will not only be for the members of St. Mark's, but will also be a place for the seniors living in Martin Luther Towers to come and do some gardening. Therefore, when completed our garden will be accessible for wheelchair and walker access. And as we always do, we'll include all the info on how you can replicate our garden project where you live!

If you'd like to come out and help us at the St. Mark' garden we'll be working again next Sunday (March 7th from 1-4 pm. Hope to see you then.


  1. WOW, what wonderful work. It is the work God intended people to do. I will hope to see more and advocate for this support for community.

    God's Blessing

  2. Thanks. We're hoping to inspire congregations across the country to use their unused land to grow food for the hungry!
